Archives Tag: how to succeed in the music industry
The Invisible Hands: The Guys Behind The Scenes
April 19, 2022
In the music industry, there are a lot of people who contribute to the making of the entire music we hear, however, they sometimes get little or no recognition. We would examine some of these people and see what exactly they do and how important they are. The Beat Makers: Normally, this would consist of … Continue reading The Invisible Hands: The Guys Behind The Scenes
By davidnwaoha

5 Keys To Succeed in the Nigerian Music Industry
April 19, 2022
The Nigerian music industry is one that has evolved over the years. Within this time, there has been a huge influx of artists, some of which are still relevant today. On the other hand, there have also been some artists that hit the lime light and then faded out with the outro of their hit songs. Today, … Continue reading 5 Keys To Succeed in the Nigerian Music Industry
By davidnwaoha

Discover Nigeria Environment Opinion
#NascoMoments: How to Succeed in the Nigerian Music Industry
April 19, 2022
Even for the casual observer of the music industry, there are certain questions that come to mind over and over again. Do you ever wonder how mediocre music gets massive airplay, while some artistes who are really good never get their songs heard? Why do some artistes “blow” while others who are equally talented never … Continue reading #NascoMoments: How to Succeed in the Nigerian Music Industry
By jehonwa