Archives Tag: Hillary Clinton

Books Women

Billary: 7 Moving Excerpts from Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge

April 19, 2022

One of the most enlightening and informative biographies I have ever read is Carl Bernstein’s Hillary Clinton biography, A Woman in Charge. I started reading it before the 2016 elections and hoped to see the unwritten end of the story in full colour as she became America’s first female president, but that did not happen. … Continue reading Billary: 7 Moving Excerpts from Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge

By jehonwa

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10 Things I Didn’t Know about Hillary Clinton Until 2016

April 19, 2022

The first time I felt remotely inclined to learn more about Hillary Clinton, I couldn’t go far because Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were simply more interesting to read about at the time. Eight years later, Hillary Clinton was running for president again and this time, she had my full attention. And boy, did … Continue reading 10 Things I Didn’t Know about Hillary Clinton Until 2016

By jehonwa

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Must a Woman Take Her Husband’s Surname?

April 19, 2022

Reading Hillary Clinton’s biography, A Woman in Charge by Carl Bernstein, I was astounded by the fuss Americans made over Hillary’s decision to keep using her maiden name, instead of taking on her husband’s surname. Her remaining Hillary Rodham not only caused her mother-in-law great distress, it actually affected her husband during his gubernatorial campaign. … Continue reading Must a Woman Take Her Husband’s Surname?

By jehonwa

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US Elections 2016: What You Need To Know

April 19, 2022

Today, citizens of the United States of America are going to the polls to decide who would be their next president. They have a choice of either Hilary R. Clinton or Donald J. Trump. This particular election has been filled with scandals and intrigues. While we await the next president of the United States of … Continue reading US Elections 2016: What You Need To Know

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Health News Personality

Bill Clinton’s Daughter, Chelsea Clinton Visits Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Daughter of former US President, Bill Clinton and Current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton paid a one-day visit to Nigeria, yesterday, for a health initiative under her father’s foundation. Clinton Global Initiative – CGI – a foundation run by Bill Clinton, that billions of dollars in aid has been committed to, has several … Continue reading Bill Clinton’s Daughter, Chelsea Clinton Visits Nigeria

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