Archives Tag: Ear Care


Gentle Ear Care: Alternatives to Q-tips

April 19, 2022

  The ear, often overlooked in daily health routines, is a remarkably delicate organ. While many of us don’t pay much attention to our ears until a problem arises, an ear infection can be as debilitating as any other type of infection. Proper ear care is crucial not only for hearing but also for overall … Continue reading Gentle Ear Care: Alternatives to Q-tips

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Health Opinion

Drop That Cotton Bud Now!

April 19, 2022

Be truthful; as an adult, you use cotton buds (also known as Q-tips) to clean excess wax and debris off your ears. You even like using it. That pleasurable feeling that comes with sticking it deeper and deeper into your ear holes is something you almost look forward to, secretly. Sometimes, you stick worse into … Continue reading Drop That Cotton Bud Now!

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