Archives Tag: Diarrhea

Did You Know?

Did You Know? Uziza Seed And Leaves

April 19, 2022

Uziza, scientifically known as piper guineense, is often used to make native delicacies – pepper soup, egusi soup and lots more. A special broth of the uziza seed is consumed by women especially of the Eastern Nigeria, after childbirth to enhance uterine contraction and expel retained matter from the womb. While much emphasis is on … Continue reading Did You Know? Uziza Seed And Leaves

By chinwe

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Did You Know?

Did You Know? Rice Water Aids Hair Growth

April 19, 2022

Rice water has scientifically proven beauty, skin and health benefits. However, rice water is quickly allowed to drain into the sink Rice water is the starchy water left over after rice is cooked or left to soak. It contains many of the vitamins and minerals contained in rice which include: amino acids, vitamins B, vitamin E, … Continue reading Did You Know? Rice Water Aids Hair Growth

By chinwe

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Health News Personality

Bill Clinton’s Daughter, Chelsea Clinton Visits Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Daughter of former US President, Bill Clinton and Current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton paid a one-day visit to Nigeria, yesterday, for a health initiative under her father’s foundation. Clinton Global Initiative – CGI – a foundation run by Bill Clinton, that billions of dollars in aid has been committed to, has several … Continue reading Bill Clinton’s Daughter, Chelsea Clinton Visits Nigeria

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