Archives Tag: Declutter

Monday Motivation

Digital Detox to Foster Creativity on Mondays

April 19, 2022

  Mondays bring the opportunity for a fresh start to the work week. However, digital distractions could be to blame if you are drained, unfocused, and lacking creativity right from the get-go. We are constantly inundated with notifications, emails, social media updates, and other digital inputs vying for our attention. This nonstop flood of information … Continue reading Digital Detox to Foster Creativity on Mondays

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Monday Motivation

Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

April 19, 2022

  Does your home or workspace feel messy and cluttered? Having too much stuff around can make you feel stressed and unmotivated. But don’t worry! Today is Motivation Monday – the perfect day for a fresh start. By decluttering your space, you can declutter your mind too. An organized environment allows you to think more … Continue reading Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

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