Archives Tag: cover letter


Navigating the Job Search: Essential Tools and Techniques

April 19, 2022

  In today’s dynamic job market, navigating the job search process can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re a recent graduate entering the workforce or a seasoned professional seeking new opportunities, having the right tools and techniques at your disposal can make all the difference in finding your next career move. In this blog … Continue reading Navigating the Job Search: Essential Tools and Techniques

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How To Write The Best Cover Letter For Your Dream Job

April 19, 2022

Anyone searching for a new job will already know how exhausting the application process can be. First, you need to search out a suitable position, then there’s the cover letter and resume, and finally, you’ll need to present your skills and experience in at least one interview, and maybe more. However, while the job search … Continue reading How To Write The Best Cover Letter For Your Dream Job

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10 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job or a Call Back

April 19, 2022

credit: www.economist.comIn this economy, with the high rate of unemployment, you have to be more creative and hungry to get a job- talk less of a good or great one. What have you done with the time you’ve spent out of work to improve your chances of getting the job you desire? Have you taught … Continue reading 10 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job or a Call Back

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7 Things Standing Between You and Your Dream Job

April 19, 2022

By Joy Ehonwa 1. Your resume is hurting you When it comes to the “objective” section of your CV, avoid a one-size-fits-all cluster of sentences. You should always tailor your objective to suit each job you’re applying for. If your resume objective has nothing to do with the position, why should the recruiting executive waste … Continue reading 7 Things Standing Between You and Your Dream Job

By pagboga

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