Archives Tag: client service


How To Make Your Happy Client Happier

April 19, 2022

Many brands are only schooled to deal with dissatisfied clients. Customer Service representatives are taught the ABC of handling or firing bad clients. They are told nothing of what to do with the happy clients. Perhaps because it’s assumed that happy clients are satisfied so they would always stay. Unfortunately, those clients who are ‘good … Continue reading How To Make Your Happy Client Happier

By adepeju

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Going the Extra-mile!

April 19, 2022

I went on a trip recently and several incidents played out and I thought to myself, see how going the extra mile could earn someone some Brownie points and they just let it slip by clueless of the rippling effects. Scenario 1: You meet a client you’ve been trying to secure a deal with and … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Going the Extra-mile!

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