Archives Tag: career plan


5 Success Seeds You Can Sow Daily for Your Career

April 19, 2022

If you’re the kind of person who craves success in life, then you probably already know that it is cumulative, the sum of your daily choices. It’s the little things you do each day that bring you closer and closer to the success you desire. Every day, there is something you can do to make … Continue reading 5 Success Seeds You Can Sow Daily for Your Career

By jehonwa

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How to Create a Career Development Plan

April 19, 2022

The world is becoming less accommodating for people who are content with ‘stumbling upon’ or ‘serendipitously discovering’ opportunities. Competition levels in the business world are being raised, and the margins that separate relevance from oblivion are tending towards being razor-thin. In such a setting as this, you will need to be as close to perfect … Continue reading How to Create a Career Development Plan

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Dear Teenager, Do You Have a Career Plan?

April 19, 2022

AS a teen, I knew many of my fellow students who had no plans for their career beyond gaining admission to study a randomly chosen course (or one selected by their parents), graduating, and getting a “good job”. Others, like me, were “given” a course by the University we applied to because our original departments … Continue reading Dear Teenager, Do You Have a Career Plan?

By jehonwa

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