Archives Tag: caffeine


Shocking Impacts of Caffeine on Health and How to Moderate Intake

April 19, 2022

  Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed substances in the world. Found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and other plants, it gives many people energy to power through their day. However, caffeine is also a drug that impacts the body in various ways. Understanding its effects can help you decide … Continue reading Shocking Impacts of Caffeine on Health and How to Moderate Intake

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Health mental health Wellness

How Caffeine Can Affect Your Body System And Reduce Your Sleep Time

April 19, 2022

Caffeine is a natural substance mostly used in food and beverages. It is a natural stimulant found in cocoa products, coffee, kola nuts, and cacao plants. Caffeine is also used in medications and in energy drinks. It stimulates the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay alert and preventing the onset of tiredness. Read … Continue reading How Caffeine Can Affect Your Body System And Reduce Your Sleep Time

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Foods to Avoid When Having Stomach Pains.

April 19, 2022

Stomach upset is one of the most distressing breakdowns that can happen to a person. It’s caused by different factors like food intolerance, indigestion, food allergies. Also; stress which can lead to constipation, nausea, diarrhoea, bloating, vomiting etc. A constant tummy ache is unhealthy and it is essential to identify the cause. Even though there … Continue reading Foods to Avoid When Having Stomach Pains.

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5 Things You Should Stop Doing before Bed

April 19, 2022

Most of us are guilty of certain habits we indulge in right before bed, some of these contribute to sleeplessness while others generally tell on your health with time. The funny part is that most people do not even know that these habits have noticeable effects on the health. How do you stop doing something … Continue reading 5 Things You Should Stop Doing before Bed

By jelifat

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