Archives Tag: business tips for young people


7 Traits of Outstanding Executives

April 19, 2022

An executive is a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business organisation. When I was first employed as an executive, I did not realise this. In fact, it was not until years later when I heard my new boss telling a new colleague, “You were not employed as an officer, you’re an executive!” that … Continue reading 7 Traits of Outstanding Executives

By jehonwa

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CAREER Opinion

6 Powerful Ways to Make Your Boss Love You

April 19, 2022

Sometimes the most difficult person we manage is our boss (I can almost hear the giant Amen! as you read that). It is true. Bosses can sometimes be hard to manage, but manage them we must. When we don’t, we can expect such things as unrealistic deadlines, unclear expectations, ambiguous assignments, faltering support, generalized reactivity, … Continue reading 6 Powerful Ways to Make Your Boss Love You

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Happy International Youth Day!

April 19, 2022

Youths around the world are celebrating International Youth Day today, and by all means, they should. Being a young person isn’t as easy as it seems with us having some very big shoes to fill and a unique sense of pressure – the good kind – being placed on us by the generations before us. … Continue reading Happy International Youth Day!

By ify

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