Archives Tag: business relationships


How to Build and Maintain Business Relationships

April 19, 2022

  Building and maintaining strong business relationships is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been in business for years, the connections you make with clients, customers, and partners can make all the difference. But how do you go about building these relationships, and more … Continue reading How to Build and Maintain Business Relationships

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Networking: Building Relationships for Business Growth

April 19, 2022

  In business, who you know can be just as important as what you know. Building relationships through networking opens doors, creates opportunities, and drives business growth. In this article, we’ll explore how you can harness the power of networking to take your business to new heights. Read more about Business Start with a Positive … Continue reading Networking: Building Relationships for Business Growth

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5 Commandments Your Customers Want You to Know

April 19, 2022

A lot of us can identify with the maxim “customers are always right”, however, most times our actions and inactions trigger a confrontational response from the customers. Many small start-ups fail because the business owner did not learn just how to handle the most important tool of the business– customers. Yes! They are the variable … Continue reading 5 Commandments Your Customers Want You to Know

By adepeju

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How to Network Effectively

April 19, 2022

WHAT do you do when you are standing before a potential business contact, and you are supposed to initiate a discussion which should lead to you expanding your business network? How do you even begin? No doubt, networking is important. In fact, you probably can’t do much without it if you are a business person … Continue reading How to Network Effectively

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