Archives Tag: After Crude Oil What’s Next For Nigeria

News Opinion

Nigeria Devises Finger-Printing Technique To Detect Crude Oil’s Theft

April 19, 2022

Stealing is, by all means, a crime and an impolite thing to do. It is worse when you decide to take natural resources that ought to provide for the whole nation. It is therefore remarkable that technology is now at hand to get rid of all criminals suspected of syphoning the nation’s crude oil. The … Continue reading Nigeria Devises Finger-Printing Technique To Detect Crude Oil’s Theft

By adepeju

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Sectorial Contribution to Nigeria’s GDP: Is ICT about to Displace Oil?

April 19, 2022

The usual line about Nigeria being a mono-product economy is probably so frequently used in conversations and speeches that many Nigerians do not even understand what it means. While it is true that a lot of what the country gets out of its exports comes from the sale of its petroleum products abroad, agriculture has … Continue reading Sectorial Contribution to Nigeria’s GDP: Is ICT about to Displace Oil?

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Culture Opinion Personality

Letter to Ken Saro-Wiwa

April 19, 2022

Dear Ken, It’s twenty years now since you left us. I’m partly from Rivers State given that my mum is from Opobo. I was only but a child when they took you away from us. I was just fifteen years old then to be precise. My father had sent me to get the dailies when … Continue reading Letter to Ken Saro-Wiwa

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The Handwriting on the Wall: A Curious Case of Diversifying Nigeria’s Economy Now!

April 19, 2022

Moving with trends is a necessity in this fast paced global village we live in. In some parts of the world, libraries are being shut partly because of the obsolescence of print and then, the clamour to ‘go green’. The email has made the once stoic ambience of the post office a matter of nostalgia. … Continue reading The Handwriting on the Wall: A Curious Case of Diversifying Nigeria’s Economy Now!

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