
Search result for: Men You Should Know

LIFESTYLE Relationships

How Much Of The Truth Should You Tell Your Partner?

April 19, 2022

Recently, I overheard a couple arguing within an inch of their lives, the husband had packed a few bags, had removed his wedding ring and was moving out of their home. Apparently, after a night of passionate love making, breakfast in bed and all the works, their sudden rekindled fire was abruptly extinguished in a moment of recklessness during the morning-after-pillow talk.

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Risk Management: Are You Prepared?

April 19, 2022

Uncertainty is something we as humans cannot question but prepare for. In recent times, a lot has happened nationwide, lives and properties have lost via Natural disaster (flood, Sand storm etc) or manmade mishap, writing a list here will just put me on the stop for ever. As humans, we are vulnerable to risk of any form at any given time, but a simple question is how prepared are we as humans towards our environment of uncertainties? The question lingers.

By kobe

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Are You The Marrying Kind of Woman?

April 19, 2022

Today I awoke to an interesting chat discussion about two separate ladies; the first got jilted after an 8-year-long relationship and was left penniless and alone – after clinging on for 8 years (she is obviously bitter and has been unable to pick up the pieces and move on).

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Natural Beauty Secrets for Your Face

April 19, 2022

With beauty products getting more varied, and even pricier, it can be sometimes hard to find what works for you. As facial skin is usually the most sensitive, and the most prone to natural elements like the sun and the wind, it should be well taken care of to avoid dryness, loss of elasticity, and premature aging.

By loyigah

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Health iConnect

Look Good In Your Clothes Again! Blast The Pooch, Get The Abs!

April 19, 2022

Somehow reality just hit me this week! I don’t look so good in tight fitting clothes anymore and that kills me! I used to look good in all my pictures and clothes from all angles but now, I have to squeeze and suck to get into a good outfit or get a good picture. So I am done!

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April 19, 2022

Initially, I was a bit skeptical about writing on this topic because I’m really young and totally not ready to marry in the nearest future. However, overtime I’ve observed some of my young friends rush into marriage just for the pride of having a cute ring on the fourth finger and being addressed as “Mrs”. Within a few years, the euphoria wears off and they realize he/she was not the one.

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Splendid Literature and Culture Foundation Searches for Young Nigerian Writers

April 19, 2022

Do you have a child, or do you know any child, who has dreams of becoming a writer? This is a good chance for them to get published. For  young budding writers, seeing their work get published is a great thing and can be a big push towards realising their dreams. And children and young people need all the encouragement they can get when it comes to fulfilling their dreams and vision.

Young writers have been given an opportunity to showcase their talent and skill by a wonderful initiative of Splendid Literature and Culture Foundation (SCLF). With

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Stuff TECH

Tips on How to Protect Your PIN

April 19, 2022

A personal identification number (PIN, pronounced “pin”; often erroneously PIN number) is a secret numeric password shared between a user and a system that can be used to authenticate the user to the system. Typically, the user is required to provide a non-confidential user identifier or token (the user ID) and a confidential PIN to gain access to the system.

By kobe

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Sing Your Way To Better Speech!

April 19, 2022

It is said that everybody loves music and it’s probably for many different reasons. While surfing the net, I ran across yet another reason, a rather good one at that, why a particular set of people should love music; those suffering from a condition called aphasia

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Make Your Laptop Batteries Last Longer

April 19, 2022

About all the electronic gadgets we use today are powered by batteries. From your Blackberry to your iPod to your laptop, we rely on these batteries to keep our devices working when we are on the go. Even though the use of tablet PC’s, smartphones, and netbooks are becoming rife, it would be a while before any device can replace the laptop (except, maybe, the recently announced highly-anticipated Surface tablet from Microsoft).

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LIFESTYLE Relationships

OMG! You Stole My Future Husband!

April 19, 2022

I’m not talking about celebrities in the overseas, im talking about the regular guys you meet out here or the celebrities out here who are just too good to be true (although sometimes they are too good to be true) and you realize they actually check out about 95% on the list you have.

By delebe

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The Hazardous Side of Your Favourite Smartphones

April 19, 2022

“My Smartphone can do this, my Smartphone can do that,” I hear a lot of people boast; but there’s a lot of other things your smart phone can do that you have no idea about. I mean ‘bad’, really ‘bad’ things. Hey, it’s not what you probably think. I mean it can do bad things to your health and pose a threat

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Why Do Men Cheat?

April 19, 2022

Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start… when you read you begin with A, B, C, when you sing, you begin with do, re, mi when you cheat, it all begins with desire, the desire for adventure, to be better than you are, to achieve more, to have an advantage.

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Our Women Speak: Living Single and Raising The Kids

April 19, 2022

We all have our own perception of single parenthood and, apparently, it is fast becoming a norm as individuals are much more open to taking a walk from a bad marriage or relationship. The fears of raising the children alone have become a thing of the past.

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For All The Men: From A Father To His Son

April 19, 2022

I was touched by the words in the letter below. In 1971, future-U.S. president Ronald Reagan wrote to his 26-year-old son Michael, just before he got married. It made me realize one thing in life, no matter how great or successful you are as a man, raising a happy home is paramount in life. Though … Continue reading For All The Men: From A Father To His Son

By kobe

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