
Search result for: Discover Nigeria


The History And Work Around Of Recession In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

A recession is two-quarters of negative economic growth. The main metric for a nation’s economic growth is the GDP. Read more about Business The GDP, which is an acronym for Gross Domestic Product, is defined as the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in … Continue reading The History And Work Around Of Recession In Nigeria

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Anthony Owei Is Enabling Nigerians To Earn From Poultry Farming, Wherever They Are

April 19, 2022

  When we think of farming, we often picture people in worn-out garbs surrounded by greenery. They may be bent over and striking the ground with hoes, or plucking fruits or cobs and dropping them into the baskets they’re carrying. Read more about Business Or they could be in a pen, tending to hundreds of … Continue reading Anthony Owei Is Enabling Nigerians To Earn From Poultry Farming, Wherever They Are

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Did You Know? History

Did You Know? The Iwo Eleru Skull, Oldest Known Human Fossil In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  In 1965, Thurstan Shaw, a British archaeologist, discovered the partial remains of a skull. They had been excavating and studying material at Iho Eleru (‘cave of ashes’, also called Iwo Eleru) in what is now Ondo State. Read more about Did you know? Thurstan and his team knew that this was no ordinary find. … Continue reading Did You Know? The Iwo Eleru Skull, Oldest Known Human Fossil In Nigeria

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How To Real Estate

How To Find Quality And Affordable Houses For Rent In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  In much of the real estate industry, affordability tends to be negatively correlated with quality. If you’re looking for a quality house for rent, you had better give up on landing one that’s also cheap. And if you’re searching for inexpensive housing, you may have to settle for a subpar living space. Read more … Continue reading How To Find Quality And Affordable Houses For Rent In Nigeria

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BUSINESS Discover Nigeria

Benedict Peters And Aiteo Group: Nigeria’s Largest Indigenous Oil Producing Firm

April 19, 2022

  Benedict Peters is a Nigerian billionaire who founded the Aiteo Group, Nigeria’s largest indigenous oil-producing firm. As of November 2014, he had an estimated net worth of US$2.7 billion. He is ranked by Ventures Africa as the 17th richest person in Africa and the 7th richest in Nigeria. Read more about Men you should … Continue reading Benedict Peters And Aiteo Group: Nigeria’s Largest Indigenous Oil Producing Firm

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Press Release

Jobberman To Profile Behaviour Patterns Of 25,000 Young Nigerians In Partnership With USAID eTrade Alliance

April 19, 2022

Jobberman to develop Nigerian e-commerce sector through behavioural profiling   Jobberman, the single largest job placement website in sub-Saharan Africa in a press conference today, announced its partnership with the USAID funded Alliance for eTrade Development II (eTrade Alliance) to help drive the development of Nigeria’s thriving e-commerce industry. The #FindyourdigitalSuperpower campaign is set to conduct behavioural profiling on 25,000 young … Continue reading Jobberman To Profile Behaviour Patterns Of 25,000 Young Nigerians In Partnership With USAID eTrade Alliance

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Tourism Travel

Travel Tips: Places To Visit In Nigeria As A Fine Art Enthusiast. Part 3

April 19, 2022

  If you are visiting Nigeria and art is your thing, we’ve got your back. In the previous article, we added Ile Ife, Kaduna and Ibadan to Benin, Osogbo and Jos as places art enthusiasts should visit. Today we are looking at the heavy hitters and at least one or two more unpopular tourist destinations. … Continue reading Travel Tips: Places To Visit In Nigeria As A Fine Art Enthusiast. Part 3

By ann

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Discover Nigeria

Ethnic Groups in Nigeria: The Marghi People

April 19, 2022

The Marghi ethnic group occupies the geographical region of southern Borno and northern Adamawa states of the Republic of Nigeria. Introduction / History According to some records, the Margi (or Marghi) migrated to the Nile Valley from Yemen together with some tribes such as the Bura, Kilba, Kanakuru, Mandara, Bolewa, Karekare, Ngamo, Ngizzim and Tera … Continue reading Ethnic Groups in Nigeria: The Marghi People

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How to Identify Genuine Investment Opportunities in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

The web is awash with purported investment opportunities. Many of them promise fantastic returns; not a few proclaim that they’re risk-free. There are so many apparent options on the table, it’s sometimes hard to tell which ones are worth your time and money. Read more about How To The fact is, a lot of these … Continue reading How to Identify Genuine Investment Opportunities in Nigeria

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Tourism Travel

Did You Know? Scuba Diving In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

In December 2019 we predicted the rise of scuba diving in Nigeria. It was one of the adventure tour activities we said would thrive on the Nigerian tourism scene in 2020. And not even COVID could stop this prediction from coming true. Read more about Travel and Tourism Initially, only foreigners were interested in exploring … Continue reading Did You Know? Scuba Diving In Nigeria

By ann

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Discover Nigeria

Ethnic Groups in Nigeria- Idoma

April 19, 2022

The Idoma people are the second largest ethnic group in Benue State. Significantly, there are other Idoma groups in parts of Nassarawa and Cross-River states. The Idoma people are a homogenous ethnic group with dialectical differences indicated by some distinct speech form of people in Otukpo, Adoka and Ugboju; Edumoga in contrast to Agila, Otukpa, … Continue reading Ethnic Groups in Nigeria- Idoma

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Discover Nigeria

Ethnic Groups in Nigeria: The Gungawa People

April 19, 2022

Background The Gungawa tribe is located in Yauri Local government area of Kebbi State and other parts of Niger State. There are diverse theories concerning the ancestry of the Gungawa also known as the Baresha people. Gungawa is the name adopted for them by their Hausa neighbours. It means “Island Dwellers” because they were surrounded … Continue reading Ethnic Groups in Nigeria: The Gungawa People

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Discover Nigeria EDUCATION

Top Ten Private Universities In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

A few decades ago, the idea of a private university in Nigeria would have seemed laughable to an average Nigerian who was used to public universities all his life. Today, privately owned universities are some of the best universities in Nigeria. And these privately-owned educational institutions continue to sprawl across the country. Below, we explore … Continue reading Top Ten Private Universities In Nigeria

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Health Press Release

54gene Unveils World-Class Scientific Research Laboratory In Lagos State, Nigeria

April 19, 2022

54gene has unveiled its new lab in Lagos State, Nigeria, capable of human whole-genome sequencing and a variety of other scientific investigations. Hosting a suite of world-class molecular genomics capabilities, including the Illumina Novaseq 6000 and NextSeq 550Dx the lab is part of 54gene’s mission to enable Africans to conduct genomics research and will be fully operational … Continue reading 54gene Unveils World-Class Scientific Research Laboratory In Lagos State, Nigeria

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Food Social Media

How Social Media has Revolutionized Nigerian Food

April 19, 2022

Have you ever taken a moment to ponder about life? Have you considered how an event, encounter, discovery or development can alter the course of our lives either for better or for worse? If you haven’t, take a moment and think about a newborn baby and how it’s arrival changes the world of his family … Continue reading How Social Media has Revolutionized Nigerian Food

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