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  When two people become infatuated with each other, they become overly excited about their known feelings. This stage is known as the honeymoon stage where there is an increased rush to do things out of intense emotions. However, this rush is bound to come to an end and if not handled wisely, might render the relationship stale and unfulfilling.
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Note that this does not mark the end of your feelings but the beginning of it. Love is like a seed you have to grow; one has to nurture the feelings. Here are some ways to ensure that the tie that binds in a relationship is still strengthened.
  • Dates/Travel

For most couples, dates and tours are the order of the day at the initial period of a relationship only to end up staying indoors over time. This is all shades of wrong. Whatever was the tradition at the beginning of the relationship should be the same when it becomes more long-term. Make time and schedule a date at your favourite spots at intervals. This keeps the spark up, in your relationship, even above every other tips.
  • Knowledgeable Conversations

The fire in a relationship tends to fizzle out when a partner is not saying the right words or asking the right questions. Once in a while, forget about jokes and witty lines. Bare yourselves and ask about aspirations and dreams, reveal philosophies and ideas. Relationship is not an entertainment but a partnership for capacity building. Build yourselves by exchanging knowledge.
  • Compliments

Never let your partner assume how you feel. Make sure you remind your partner that he or she matters by continually complimenting what they do, say, wear or behave. Saying “I love you” frequently doesn’t hurt. You make your partner know that your feelings still remain the same and stronger every day.
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  • Touch

A kiss on the forehead, holding of hands, a hug, the tugging of hair and finding other means to steal brief touches from your partner nurtures the feeling of love. Touch communicates feelings even better than words can. Always keep in mind that sex does not always mean love. A simple brush of the skin can go a long way than intercourse.
  • Random And Special Gifts

Never underestimate the power behind the element of surprise. A surprise wristwatch or necklace, a favourite meal can cause a tug in the heart of your partner. This reveals to your partner that you always have him/her on your mind. This keeps the excitement in the relationship alive.
  • Double Date

Spend time with other couples when you are granted the chance. Although, relationships are not competitions, there is tendency for partners to become more invested in their relationship when other successful couples are observed. This will reinforce the commitment and serve as a reminder of bonds shared. It takes a lot of conscious hard work and commitment to keep things moving in a relationship. It takes two to tango and each partner must have a hand in uplifting the relationship; by continually doing the right things to make the other person happy. Featured Image Source: Unsplash
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This article was first published on 10th July 2021


Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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