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A Cold or The Flu. Which is it?

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When you wake up sneezing, coughing and have that achy and feverish cannot-move-a-muscle feeling, how do you know whether you have a cold or the flu? The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because the two illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on their symptoms alone. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and its symptoms are more intense. Colds are usually milder. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days, flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks.

The Cold

Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat, which often goes away after a day or two. Other symptoms include: a runny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough. Children are more likely than adults to have a fever along a cold. With cold symptoms, the nose fills with watery secretions (catarrh) for the first few days. Later, these become thicker and darker. Cold symptoms usually last for about a week.

The Flu

Flu symptoms are usually more critical than cold symptoms. Symptoms of flu include sore throat, muscle aches, fever, headache and soreness, along with cough and congestion. Flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for as long as a few weeks. The flu can also lead to other serious health challenges like pneumonia and bacterial infections.

See a doctor

Because colds and flu share many symptoms, it can be difficult (or even impossible) to tell the difference between them. This is why it is important to visit your health care provider as soon as you notice the symptoms.
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