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6 Health Benefits Of Eating Pineapple 

  Pineapple is a fruit that’s widely known for its spiky green top and for the prickly dots (eyes) that can be found on its skin after peeling. This fruit is also known for its versatility and for its incredibly delicious taste; it’s used in making smoothies, juices, salad, rice. One can also snack on bite-size pieces of it. Pineapple is equally a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Below are six health benefits of eating pineapple:
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1. It Promotes Gut Health: We have a lot of bacteria residing in our guts. As a result, keeping a healthy gut flora is very important. This is where pineapples come in. They are known to aid the digestion of protein-rich foods. They’ve also been proven to soothe inflammatory bowel diseases by reducing gut inflammation. 2. It’s Good for the Eyes: Eat bacteria. Most importantly, encourage your aged relatives to eat it. Pineapples are rich in beta carotene. Therefore, regular consumption of it can promote healthy vision. Moreover, the elderly have a higher risk of exposure to macular degeneration. This eye defect affects the central part of the retina and usually results in distortion or loss of central vision. But if the aged eat pineapples often, the high quantity of antioxidants and Vitamin C in it can reduce the risk of this disease. 3. It May Ease Symptoms of arthritis: My Dad, my aunts, uncles and a significant number of adults suffer from one form of arthritis or the other. This disease which is characterized by inflammation of the joints leaves sufferers in pain. However, adding pineapple to their diet may bring them some relief. That’s because pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. Research indicates that pineapple consumption may bring short-term relief for people with common types of arthritis. 4. It Boosts your Immune System: Pineapples are a rich source of Vitamin C. It contains half of the daily recommended dose for an adult. Vitamin C which is a water-soluble vitamin is needed to fight cell damage and prevent diseases like joint pains.
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5. It May Speed Up Recovery after Work Out or Surgery: Do you know that pineapple consumption may shorten recovery time after surgery or exercise? Oh yes! Pineapple contains the enzyme, bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties. As such, pineapple consumption may help reduce the swelling, bruising and pains that occur after surgery. It’s also been associated with quick tissue recovery caused by strenuous exercise. 6. It’s a Good Source of Antioxidants: Pineapples are full of antioxidants like phenolic acid, flavonoids. These antioxidants are compounds in food that may help the body to fight free radicals that exist in the body and interact with the body’s cells causing damage and health issues like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, eye problems. So, when we consume antioxidant-rich foods like pineapple, our body gets the nourishment it needs to counter the effects of these free radicals. In conclusion, we need to incorporate pineapples into our diet in order to enjoy their health benefits. Sources Heathline Life Hacks Featured image source: The Guardian Nigeria
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