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Are you wondering if your smartphone needs screen protection? Well, yes! A screen protector is worth buying because first off, it protects the most delicate part of your phone—the screen. You probably already know this and you’re thinking, I’m a careful person, I won’t let my hone fall and crack, but let me shock you with 5 other reasons you need a screen protector.
  1. Shatter-Resistant:

Your smartphone screen is exposed to a lot of scratches and dirt as you take it everywhere with you. So you should consider getting screen protectors to protect your phone screen from scratches and dirt.
  1. Privacy

There’re are some screen protectors that blur side views, but the frontal view remains clear to the user. By using this screen protector, your private data is hidden from prying eyes.
  1. Finger-Prints:

Screen protector helps the screen stay clear of finger imprints so that you don’t have to always clean it. This eliminates the use of cleaning agents that can damage the phone screen.
  1. Dirt:

Your smartphone screen is exposed to consistent touch from you or other users of your phone. Touching the screen can deposit sweat, skin oil or dust, thus using screen protector can prevent the phone screen from devoloping an optical performance fault.
  1. Mirror:

A special kind of screen protector called ‘Reflective Screen Protector’ dual functions as protector and mirror. So that when the phone screen is turned off, it acts as a mirror, but when in use, it’s a normal screen.

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This article was first published on 2nd June 2017


Kofoworola Omotayo is a freelance writer, a lover of tech and a literature monger. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and a member of Nigerian Institute of Management. He enjoys approaching issues from logical and empirical perspective. His twitter handle @heir_ptahyor and Gmail: kofoworolaomotayo[@]

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