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Wondering how to make your day more productive? Here are some time management tips to help you achieve this goal:

1. Don’t run on empty. Start each day with breakfast. No matter how light it is, it gets you going and puts you in the right frame of mind to effectively execute your plans for that day. 2. Have a ‘To do’ list. With the advent of smart phones, it’s easy to keep a digital ‘To do’ list on your phone and relieve your brain of the burden of storing all that information; you’re then free to focus on the actual execution of the tasks. 3. Assign a realistic priority rating to each task on your list.  You can group your tasks into LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH priorities, using colours like RED, AMBER and GREEN to code them. For example, a Priority GREEN task needs to be done immediately, whereas a Priority AMBER task simply needs to be done by the end of the day or perhaps the following day. 4. Concentrate on the task at hand and don’t lose focus. Take it ‘a task at a time’ and ‘a day at a time’. Once today’s tasks are completed, mark them as done and proceed to tomorrow’s tasks. Make the preparation of the following day’s list your final task for each day. 5. Determine your most productive time of the day and schedule the tasks that require the most speed and accuracy for that time. 6. Take breaks. It’s just as important to rest your brain as it is your body; give yourself time to relax and plan for the next task. Stay refreshed with a snack, and take drinks at regular intervals. 7. Delegate, delegate, delegate. You don’t need to do it all. You can be much more effective if you delegate tasks as necessary. 8. The appropriate technology can help you perform your tasks quicker; finding and using it will make your work easier (and more presentable). 9. Build fun into your schedule; you’ll have a better perspective when you return to work. Celebrate victories and successes, and take breaks when you can. 10. Sleep! Your beauty sleep is important; God created day and night for a reason, aim to get enough sleep (six to eight hours for the average adult), and the next day will welcome you with open arms.

Ngoz Princewill UtchayNgozi Princewill Utchay is a Business/Social Etiquette and Image Consultant, who counts several blue-chip organisations amongst her distinguished clientele. A gifted speaker, event host, and author of several published articles as well as a popular Columnist with Genevieve Magazine, She is also the CEO, Artelier Lifestyle Consultants. The values of authenticity, excellence and leadership which Ngozi holds dear, are the driving force behind all she does.

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This article was first published on 6th November 2013

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