The Entrepreneurs Chronicles: The Art of Influence
Eru Kobe Godwin
Being influential means having or exercising influence or power. Power here means control and authority. Exerting power is a process which, when followed, gets other people to do what you want them to do. Gaining power is something that can be learned. The masters of influence motivate employees towards increased productivity, profitability and achievement without incurring the typical cost of organizational repair and maintenance. Entrepreneurs who master the use of influence are significantly more successful than those who do not. It is natural for everyone to desire to make an impact in any field of sector they find themselves, but it takes insight, openness and willingness to make such impact.
How do you actually gain influence as an entrepreneur? The secret to mastering the art of influence involves three decisive challenges:
Creating specific, measurable and achievable goals. State your clearly defined goals, then visualize measurable and attainable tasks that will make you outstanding and feel influential. The accomplishment of said goals leads to a high level of appreciation, creating a being of influence to others. Figure out and convert those tasks into achievable steps.
Name the tools or resources of influences: Identify the tools or resources (traits, characteristics and factors), you possess as an influential person. These resources are the factors that assist you in expressing influence (creating impact) and leadership ability. Examples of such tools are Assertiveness, Creativity, Integrity, Knowledge, Intelligence, Equipment, Interpersonal network etc. The more resources you possess and the more you can amass from others, the more influential you’ll become. When necessary, you may need to borrow tools from external sources to increase your influence.
Defining and employing influencing techniques: This means to successfully use your tools of influence. You can positively influence your employees to work to their full capacity by mastering the influencing techniques.
THE ART OF INFLUENCE – Influencing techniques:Empathy (Rapport): Create rapport, a high level of empathy with your employees. This technique involves creating mutual relationships of understanding, trust and agreement, by expressing your feelings and understanding those of others. Be a part of your employee’s life, ask how they feel about work, their level of progress, what they need to enhance productivity, how they perceive their workload.
Be sincere and open: Tell them how you feel about them and their work approach and their level of productivity. Such level of mutuality often leads to improved sincerity and productivity.
Cooperation (Teamwork): It’s a technique used to engage individuals in team work and building. Creating a platform of togetherness allows employees to work as a unit toward a set goal. You need to create an environment where employees can share thoughts, ideas and deeds effectively in an orderly way, coming up with brilliant innovations that align with organizational objectives that are achievable. Bearing in mind the fact that brainstorming is productive, because it involves diverse minds, the outcome of such synergy is always productive. You’ll be seen as influential because you created the forum.
Logic (Reasonable judgment): This technique involves explaining issues, ideas and directions in an apparent, orderly manner to exert influence and gain power. Manage your employees by using applicable rational reasoning. Solicit their concerns, questions and explain any doubts and complexities in a manner that suits them. Employees will regard you as influential if you effectively explain things in ways they can understand (communication and interpersonal skill).
Assertiveness: Entrepreneurs are also assertive; this means to make your ideas and actions known to others in a way that’s acceptable to them. It means sharing ideas in a manner that doesn’t overwhelm or embarrass your employees. You state your desires and requirements in a way that doesn’t crush on other people. You will be admired and valued by your employees because you’ve also learnt to express yourself by being open. The outcome will be that employees will also share their concerns; such information flow will create a safe and conducive working environment.
Integrity (Credibility): Influential entrepreneurs are credible. You demonstrate a strong knowledge base, respond to questions and challenges in a suitable, complete and precise manner. Employees easily learn to trust credible leaders. You gain respect by demonstrating your expertise. When you modestly demonstrate your expertise, you easily impact others and have a very strong, positive influence on them and employees use such support to build performance and outcomes (productivity).
Cultural norms: This technique involves the use of both cultural norms and power sharing. Effective entrepreneurs use cultural hierarchy to influence people. It is being appreciative and using your knowledge of how things are done. It is a potent way to make others do what you want. Employees will learn to respect your leadership abilities and be willing to follow your direction, because you practice what you preach by modeling it yourself (acceptable behavior).
Power sharing: Executive power is increased when it is shared by the “act of delegation” amongst subordinates that are responding in a specific, positive way.
The strategy of influence to apply depends on the following:
The issue at hand
The style and personality of the person you want to influence
A specific situation
A preferred style of leadership
For instance, a specific strategy used to influence employees during a content management review will differ from a marketing and sales training. The ability to make people do things with a level of input, the result of such act is called power. No influence, No power.