Archives Tag: world suicide prevention day

mental health

Today Is World Suicide Prevention Day

April 19, 2022

Owing to the constant stress attached to life, individuals that lack the mental or psychological strength to cope with the challenges that come with life daily might end up getting depressed, which can lead to depression. The second responsible factor for death of youth aged 15-29 after road accident is suicide. One person still dies … Continue reading Today Is World Suicide Prevention Day

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Opinion Politics Religion

Why Religion is an Opiate of the People

April 19, 2022

β€œReligion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of the soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” –Karl Marx (1844) In the space of just one week, there were reports on social media of about four attempted and successful suicide cases in Nigeria. The … Continue reading Why Religion is an Opiate of the People

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mental health

September 10th – World Suicide Prevention Day

April 19, 2022

According to a report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), every day about 3,000 persons around the world commit suicide. This tragedy is no respecter of person, place, religion or skin color β€” anyone can be a victim of suicide. In Nigeria, the suicide rate has been on the rise in recent years. There are … Continue reading September 10th – World Suicide Prevention Day

By achem

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