Archives Tag: Tolu Adeleru-Balogun


IK Osakioduwa: How to Become a Great Presenter

April 19, 2022

Good presenters are everywhere, but great presenters are certainly hard to come by. Over the years, IK Osakioduwa has made a name for himself in the media industry  becoming one of the greats in Africa with his authentic presentation style that’s charming and easy on the ears. From as early as 2001, the veteran has commanded … Continue reading IK Osakioduwa: How to Become a Great Presenter

By ify

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#PhotoSpeaks: One-23 Communications Concludes its Training

April 19, 2022

One-23 Communications provides media and broadcast tools that cut across the different markets. With the wealth of knowledge amassed by its team of experts in various areas of the broadcast industry as well as an extensive reach of partnerships around the globe, One-23 Communications definitely is the go-to-place for firsthand training on broadcasting, media recruitment, … Continue reading #PhotoSpeaks: One-23 Communications Concludes its Training

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Tolu Adeleru-Balogun: 7 Etiquette Rules Every On-Air Personality Must Follow

April 19, 2022

Tolu Adeleru-Balogun was one of the facilitators at the ongoing broadcasting training organised by Onimisi Adaba. On the second day of training, she spoke on the etiquette rules every OAP must follow. Below is the list: 1. Create a Unique Selling Point (USP): Strive to be unique at what you do. You have to be … Continue reading Tolu Adeleru-Balogun: 7 Etiquette Rules Every On-Air Personality Must Follow

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Tolu Adeleru-Balogun: 10 Etiquette Rules Every TV Personality Must Follow

April 19, 2022

One-23 Communications Limited in conjunction with LeanHub Centre is currently hosting a 5-day intensive broadcast training. The theme of the training is Mind, Media and Money. Hosted by Onimisi Adaba, the training is facilitated by some of the finest in the industry such as Mazino Appeal, IK Osakioduwa, Tolu Adeleru-Balogun, Victor Orhorhoro, Tola Adeogun and others. … Continue reading Tolu Adeleru-Balogun: 10 Etiquette Rules Every TV Personality Must Follow

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