Archives Tag: Tariffs


Nigerian Communications Commission Suspends Its Planned Data Tariff Hike

April 19, 2022

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has backtracked on its earlier announced plan to raise tariffs on data services provided by mobile network operators. The NCC now says it will hold consultations with stakeholders to determine what the best plan is for data service provision in the country. The decision to put off the implementation of … Continue reading Nigerian Communications Commission Suspends Its Planned Data Tariff Hike

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Forex Scarcity Means Business: Local Input Providers Profit From Higher Import Costs

April 19, 2022

THE Manufacturing Association of Nigeria (MAN) says that manufacturers in Nigeria are increasingly turning to local sources to meet their input needs. This has meant that the fallout from the shortage of foreign exchange, which caused importation costs to soar, has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. At least, domestic providers of raw … Continue reading Forex Scarcity Means Business: Local Input Providers Profit From Higher Import Costs

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How Many Cell Phones Does One Really Need?

April 19, 2022

  The cutting-edge technology of the 21st century makes it possible for us to do incredible things with our cell phones. The world which was once described as a global village has now been further condensed, thanks to the handheld device. Apart from making calls, you can do other amazing things with your phone. You … Continue reading How Many Cell Phones Does One Really Need?

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