Archives Tag: Seth Godin


Video Of The Week: Seth Godin On Authenticity, Consistency, And Storytelling

April 19, 2022

  The COVID-19 lockdown gave rise to a WHOLE new level of social media engagement like never before. Brands and businesses on social media seized the opportunity to share their ideas and insights with their viewers. This was perfect timing because the people they were reaching with their content were confined to the four walls … Continue reading Video Of The Week: Seth Godin On Authenticity, Consistency, And Storytelling

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Video Of The Week: The Art Of Starting And Quitting

April 19, 2022

I had a sit down virtually with Seth Godin, a renowned entrepreneur and marketing guru passionate about making ideas spread to discuss the art of starting and Quitting. In the 15 minutes interview, below were 5 things that stood out: Read more about Video of the Week On Starting Seek out the smallest viable project. … Continue reading Video Of The Week: The Art Of Starting And Quitting

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