Archives Tag: presentation skills


Four Useful Things to Do Before You Start Job Hunting

April 19, 2022

Most school leavers dream of landing the perfect job that meets all their expectations and offers security for a long time. However, only a little percentage of these people actually get this perfect job and the rest are left in the labor market hustling to make ends meet. Job hunting can prove very difficult if … Continue reading Four Useful Things to Do Before You Start Job Hunting

By jelifat

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IK Osakioduwa: How to Become a Great Presenter

April 19, 2022

Good presenters are everywhere, but great presenters are certainly hard to come by. Over the years, IK Osakioduwa has made a name for himself in the media industry  becoming one of the greats in Africa with his authentic presentation style that’s charming and easy on the ears. From as early as 2001, the veteran has commanded … Continue reading IK Osakioduwa: How to Become a Great Presenter

By ify

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