Archives Tag: Polio Eradication

Health News

Nigeria Declared Polio-free For 1 Year

April 19, 2022

Nigeria has been brought to the forefront as the latest country to finally rid itself of the polio scourge! The country has been declared polio-free for a year. Polio is an highly communicable disease which is caused by a virus and affects mainly children. Speaking with a USAID personnel who has been working on Polio … Continue reading Nigeria Declared Polio-free For 1 Year

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Health Uncategorized

Polio Drops 85% in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

    The World Health Organization has called the recent increase in the spread of the polio virus a “public health emergency”. Two years ago, the polio virus was spotted in only four countries while this year, globally, polio has increased by more than 15% with 10 countries reporting new cases. However, in Nigeria the … Continue reading Polio Drops 85% in Nigeria

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Health News

$100 million for Polio Eradication, Bloomberg’s Donation To Benefit Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Billionaire and Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, has announced a donation of $100 million for polio eradication, through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The donation would benefit Nigeria, as one of the countries where people are still infected with the disease. The GPEI has a six year plan to eradicate polio, and billionaire, Bill … Continue reading $100 million for Polio Eradication, Bloomberg’s Donation To Benefit Nigeria

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