Archives Tag: Pimples

skin care

Tip of the Day: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Black Spots

April 19, 2022

It is slowly proving difficult to achieve a face free of blemishes. Day by day, our faces are exposed to the realities of the elements and harsh seasons. Although, there are several over the counter methods which can be used in the prevention and treatment of facial problems, but this does not hide the fact … Continue reading Tip of the Day: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Black Spots

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skin care

Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Tackling Blackheads

April 19, 2022

Everyone loves a smooth face, especially one free of spots. It doesn’t matter if you’re fair or dark complexioned, you would agree with me that a smooth face does wonders! You wake up in the morning and just want to run your hands over and over your face, you look at yourself in the mirror … Continue reading Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Tackling Blackheads

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Beauty Tip of the Day

4 Things that could be causing You Pimples

April 19, 2022

  Pimples are spots which result on the skin when the skins pores are blocked. The spots are inflammations which are responses the skin produces either as immune or hormonal reactions. Here are 4 things you should know: Blocked pores: The skin’s oil or sebum produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin mixes with … Continue reading 4 Things that could be causing You Pimples

By nnenna

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