Archives Tag: piggy bank


App Of The Week: Piggy Bank

April 19, 2022

When you hear the word Piggy Bank, I bet the picture that comes to your mind is that of a small ‘pig-shaped’ structure for saving money or a small wooden ‘savings’ box which was popular with Nigerian kids at some point in time. This was indeed a very reliable way of saving money in the past … Continue reading App Of The Week: Piggy Bank

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Personal Development

Personal Finance: 7 Things We Know We Should Be Doing, But Aren’t

April 19, 2022

We know how in marriage, life and laziness get in the way of applying the knowledge that we have. Interestingly, the same thing happens when it comes to personal finance; we acquire tons of knowledge but how much of it do we apply? Here are a few personal finance basics, few people take their time … Continue reading Personal Finance: 7 Things We Know We Should Be Doing, But Aren’t

By jehonwa

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