Archives Tag: Okenwa Chimaobi Emmanuel


Sly Megida, Creative Director, Coke Spice Art

April 19, 2022

  Sly Megida—born Okenwa Chimaobi Emmanuel –is an artist, filmmaker, and Creative Director of Coke Spice Art Limited, an outfit that aims to revolutionize contemporary art. He’s a painter of murals, motifs, and graffiti, and a fashion illustrator of growing repute. Read more about Arts Sly’s engagement with art began early in his life. While … Continue reading Sly Megida, Creative Director, Coke Spice Art

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Arts Interviews Personality

The Sly Megida Experience

April 19, 2022

If art imitates real life then artists may be the finest philosophers in any given society. Indeed, I would argue that they are. In societies like Nigeria, the pluses to pursuing a career in visual art are not apparent to those not paying attention, but that does not remotely affect the fact that many visual … Continue reading The Sly Megida Experience

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