Archives Tag: Oil sector


Three Sectors Bigger Than the Oil Industry in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

The National Bureau of Statistics recently released data on the growth of Nigeria’s economy in 2019. The GDP report showed that the country’s economy had grown by 2.27 percent in the year just passed. It had performed slightly better than many analysts (including those at the IMF) had expected. But it will need to grow … Continue reading Three Sectors Bigger Than the Oil Industry in Nigeria

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Sectorial Contribution to Nigeria’s GDP: Is ICT about to Displace Oil?

April 19, 2022

The usual line about Nigeria being a mono-product economy is probably so frequently used in conversations and speeches that many Nigerians do not even understand what it means. While it is true that a lot of what the country gets out of its exports comes from the sale of its petroleum products abroad, agriculture has … Continue reading Sectorial Contribution to Nigeria’s GDP: Is ICT about to Displace Oil?

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