Archives Tag: Nelson Iluno


Appreciating Pentecost Season and Pentecostalism

April 19, 2022

Pentecost is the Greek term for the Israelite festival of wheat harvest. The word Pentecost (meaning “fiftieth”) comes from the fact that the feast was held fifty days after Passover. Whereas Pentecost Sunday is a day of commemorating or celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit on those disciples waiting in Jerusalem ten days after … Continue reading Appreciating Pentecost Season and Pentecostalism

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Culture LIFESTYLE Opinion

Mind Your Manners

April 19, 2022

Photo Credit: Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images Manners at the table are a small but significant part of politeness, respectability and civility. Children and adults need the reinforcement of good table manners that can occur only when a family eats together regularly. The need is certainly great. Just watch school children eat among themselves or even with adults … Continue reading Mind Your Manners

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