Archives Tag: Names

BUSINESS Business Ideas

Picking a spectacular name for your business      

April 19, 2022

Are you about to start the business of your dreams and feeling adventurous? Do you already have capital and have a well laid-out plan for your business? If so, you are on the right path and you are hopefully on your journey to success. However, there is one tiny bit of detail you may not … Continue reading Picking a spectacular name for your business      

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Must a Woman Take Her Husband’s Surname?

April 19, 2022

Reading Hillary Clinton’s biography, A Woman in Charge by Carl Bernstein, I was astounded by the fuss Americans made over Hillary’s decision to keep using her maiden name, instead of taking on her husband’s surname. Her remaining Hillary Rodham not only caused her mother-in-law great distress, it actually affected her husband during his gubernatorial campaign. … Continue reading Must a Woman Take Her Husband’s Surname?

By jehonwa

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Discover Nigeria

8 Random Facts About Nigerian Names

April 19, 2022

What’s in a name? For many, a name is just a name, but in many parts of the world including Africa, names always mean something. I remember being fascinated by Ghanaian “day names” as a Literature student in Secondary School. I thought it was really cool that one could tell what day of the week … Continue reading 8 Random Facts About Nigerian Names

By jehonwa

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What is in a Name?

April 19, 2022

By Ijeoma Aniebo Sometimes, I have been introduced to people and wondered what situation gave them their names. Parents take particular care in the naming of a child, or I would like to think they do and sometimes it has even been said that your name defines your destiny. But every time I have wandered … Continue reading What is in a Name?

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