Archives Tag: Malaria in Nigeria


List of Malaria Drugs that are Killing Us Slowly

April 19, 2022

Malaria is a common disease in Nigeria and a large number of the population still buy drugs from pharmacies, sometimes not with a doctor’s prescription. When buying drugs in Nigeria, one needs to take extra precaution to ensure they’re not banned or expired products. About 42 anti-malaria drugs banned by the European Union (EU) are … Continue reading List of Malaria Drugs that are Killing Us Slowly

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Important Things You Should Know About Mosquitoes and Malaria

April 19, 2022

Today is World Malaria Day and we need to be informed about the parasite and vector that transmits the disease. It is important to protect yourself from malaria because the disease is dangerous and deadly if not treated on time. Some people do not know how to escape the bites of mosquitoes and this is … Continue reading Important Things You Should Know About Mosquitoes and Malaria

By jelifat

Events Health Media News

Why we Observe World Malaria Day

April 19, 2022

  History was made in the year 2000 on April the 25th when 44 African leaders met in Abuja, Nigeria and committed their countries to reducing malaria-related deaths. As a result, investment in malaria control gathered a novel momentum that have yielded remarkable returns in the past years. Malaria deaths were cut by one third within … Continue reading Why we Observe World Malaria Day

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