Archives Tag: Increasing Productivity
Three Ways to Kickstart Your Productivity in 2017!
April 19, 2022
Recently, I got to thinking about how I would like 1 January 2018 to look like. Then I worked back to what I would need to get done in 2017 to ensure I hit my target(s). This ‘beginning with the end in mind’ exercise was a great reminder that to have different outcomes in 2017, … Continue reading Three Ways to Kickstart Your Productivity in 2017!
Increase Your Productivity By Kicking Self Sabotage
April 19, 2022
A lot of times, we have projects we want to execute, business ideas to implement, and goals to achieve. We may want to start a business, take up a new vocation, learn a language, travel somewhere or learn a new skill. Sometimes, we never start or finish a project either due to unforeseen circumstances, or in … Continue reading Increase Your Productivity By Kicking Self Sabotage
By amina-salau