Archives Tag: how to maximize your event
The Photogenic Photobooth Mirror Increases Your Customer Engagement In 7 Exciting Ways
April 19, 2022
PhotoGenic Photobooth recently launched a product for event planners that is guaranteed to improve customer/guests’ satisfaction at every event and lead to more sealed deals. It is the PhotoGenic Photobooth Mirror: a full-length mirror that also serves as a camera and communicates with you while dazzling your senses with engaging animated displays. If you are … Continue reading The Photogenic Photobooth Mirror Increases Your Customer Engagement In 7 Exciting Ways
By frederick

Building Brand Communities Around Your Event
April 19, 2022
Did you know that Hootsuite grew from 0 to 3 million users without spending a dime on advertising or public relations for the first 3 years of its existence? That sounds incredible right? Ryan Holmes, the CEO of Hootsuite credited the company’s success to its community outreach programmes. The company basically allowed its users do … Continue reading Building Brand Communities Around Your Event
By frederick