Archives Tag: Holiday


TOP 7 Gifts For Children This Christmas!

April 19, 2022

Hey there dads and mums, uncles and aunts, are you still scratching your heads and wondering what to get your little ones for Christmas? If no, then why are you here, and if yes, why do you feel I can help, do I look like a kid? Okay, that was a joke, stay with me, … Continue reading TOP 7 Gifts For Children This Christmas!

By jehonwa

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HOW TO: Have A Stress Free Christmas!

April 19, 2022

By Pamela Agboga. Christmas comes but once a year, and now it is here; with the attendant physical, mental and emotional pressures of satisfying so many desires. This Christmas has to be better than the last, and the magic has to be kept alive. Where to go, what to eat, and who to do it … Continue reading HOW TO: Have A Stress Free Christmas!

By pagboga

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5 Wedding Themes: Which Is Yours?

April 19, 2022

Now these are the weddings that are based on colours codes. It can be a combination of two colours or three colours. Some people may go bright; some people love their monochrome colours while others love it simple and elegant.


By delebe

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