Archives Tag: Ho Chi Minh


Contestation: The Language of Power

April 19, 2022

  Once, my father, a savant airline pilot until his death, would tell me a story about the Franco-Vietnamese battle at Dien Bien Phu. While the implication of that battle precipitated the Vietnam War, the import of that story, even though I didn’t always agree with my dad, was never lost on me. Read more … Continue reading Contestation: The Language of Power

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5 Things You Can Do to Alter Your Life’s Outcomes Now!

April 19, 2022

By Nehi Igbinijesu Sometimes in life, we get to a fork in the road. We work ourselves to exhaustion financially, emotionally and most often, spiritually. It looks almost certain that failure is our next stop in this journey called life. We almost wish we could be children again or just change our past, forgetting that all … Continue reading 5 Things You Can Do to Alter Your Life’s Outcomes Now!

By david

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