Archives Tag: Fun Activities


Top 5 Fun Activities That Will Kill Your Boredom

April 19, 2022

Sometimes being home alone can dampen your spirits and make you feel bored out of your mind. Other times you may have so much time on your hands that you would not even know how to spend it, weekends and public holidays are examples of days when most people have time on their hands with … Continue reading Top 5 Fun Activities That Will Kill Your Boredom

By jelifat

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Tip of the Day

How to Have Fun When Stuck in Traffic

April 19, 2022

Here’s a fact – if you’ve lived in a busy city like Lagos for over a week, you’re probably accustomed to the issue of traffic jams, especially with fuel scarcity plagues like the one we’re currently facing. In fact, when roads and highways are free on a work day, it seems eerily different, and we … Continue reading How to Have Fun When Stuck in Traffic

By ify

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Entertainment Opinion

3 Fun and Engaging Things You Can Do This Weekend

April 19, 2022

It is the weekend and ‘Lagos is boring’ they say. We complain about all the things we do not have, but sometimes forget about the simple and available things there are for us to do. Many of our best experiences in life have more to do with the company we kept and how we felt … Continue reading 3 Fun and Engaging Things You Can Do This Weekend

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