Archives Tag: Fabila Fitness


Benefits of Regular Detoxification

April 19, 2022

The first time I heard the word detoxification, I thought it was some scientific method, e.g. distillation. When I eventually had an idea of what it meant, I then thought it was for only people with certain medical conditions and people looking to lose weight. Detoxification (detox for short) is the process of removing toxic … Continue reading Benefits of Regular Detoxification

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Health Tip of the Day

How To Relieve Stress With Exercise

April 19, 2022

Stress is an everyday occurrence for most people. Deadlines to meet, traffic rush, relationships, exams etc. While some stress factors can be avoided, some are out of our control and cannot be avoided. Unavoidable stress needs to be managed as much as possible. Exercise, besides helping you lose weight, is a great way to relieve … Continue reading How To Relieve Stress With Exercise

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