Archives Tag: environmentally friendly


Bionas’ $2.5 Billion Investment Could Bring Nigeria’s Bio-Fuel Industry to Life  

April 19, 2022

Today, the streets of Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Kano are traversed by vehicles that guzzle fossil fuels and belch greenhouse gases. Nigeria doesn’t emit as much environmentally unfriendly gas as the world’s biggest polluters, but its growing population, with its urbanizing tendencies and adherence to the western industrialization model, could make it one in … Continue reading Bionas’ $2.5 Billion Investment Could Bring Nigeria’s Bio-Fuel Industry to Life  

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The Business of Being Environmentally Friendly

April 19, 2022

The concept of an eco-friendly business has caught on in many parts of the world. Environmental activists and NGOs, scientists and celebrities, have relayed the message in so many different ways, and people are in general convinced that a clean environment is good for living, and good for business. For many in those climes, it’s … Continue reading The Business of Being Environmentally Friendly

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