Archives Tag: Environmental Health

Business Profiles Environment

Business Profile: Waste Matters Nigeria Limited

April 19, 2022

Waste management is a big issue in Nigeria. Every day, thousands of tons of waste are generated from homes, businesses, and on the go, by individuals and groups of people all over the country. Unfortunately, the capacity to adequately deal with the massive amounts of waste produced by a wide range of activities and processes … Continue reading Business Profile: Waste Matters Nigeria Limited

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The Business of Being Environmentally Friendly

April 19, 2022

The concept of an eco-friendly business has caught on in many parts of the world. Environmental activists and NGOs, scientists and celebrities, have relayed the message in so many different ways, and people are in general convinced that a clean environment is good for living, and good for business. For many in those climes, it’s … Continue reading The Business of Being Environmentally Friendly

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Fidelity Bank Adopts Equator Principles; Commits To Environmental Sustainability!

April 19, 2022

The Equator Principles are a credit risk management framework for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in project finance. The Principles are adopted voluntarily by financial institutions and are applied where total project capital costs exceed US$10 million. By adopting the Equator Principles, Fidelity Bank commits to providing loans only to projects where … Continue reading Fidelity Bank Adopts Equator Principles; Commits To Environmental Sustainability!

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