Archives Tag: Display Picture


BBM Wisdom: Light Up Others!

April 19, 2022

Blackberry Messenger display pictures commonly referred to as DPs can be a source of inspiration and wisdom sometimes. Our DP of the day has a lesson that can not be overlooked. It says: ‘A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.’   In today’s society, greed and selfishness are common norms. Perpetrators believe that it’s … Continue reading BBM Wisdom: Light Up Others!

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TECH Do You Have A Display Picture That Reflects You?

April 19, 2022

By Edward Chizea Nwosisi If not let my help by simply giving you a platform to select a picture that would portray all the words your emotions carries. is a site that was conceived with the objective of giving mobile phone users, especially BlackBerry, a platform where they could download free display pictures … Continue reading Do You Have A Display Picture That Reflects You?

By delebe

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