Archives Tag: desertification


How Increasing Desertification is Fuelling Security Tensions in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

The surge of militancy in the northern part of Nigeria began with the Maitatsine. That died a slow but painful death. Its carcass was, however, woken up by the Boko Haram, a group of thugs originally loyal to and used by a notorious politician from the North East. The group later turned ideological and evolved … Continue reading How Increasing Desertification is Fuelling Security Tensions in Nigeria

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Agriculture ECONOMY

 Nigeria’s Forests and the Potentials of an Underutilised Resource

April 19, 2022

For much of a typical cross-country trip, the trees of Nigeria’s forests dominate the landscape. The typical reaction of travellers to the majestic sight is to watch in calm amazement or simply look on in indifference. In fact, a lot of people in these parts would rather have these trees felled to make way for … Continue reading  Nigeria’s Forests and the Potentials of an Underutilised Resource

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