Archives Tag: Customer Relationship

BUSINESS Opportunities

Skyrocket Your Sales Using Effective Customer Relationships

April 19, 2022

Do you want to skyrocket your business sales in the next half of 2022? Then, let your customers do the work for you. I’ve learnt that the secret to making great sales is to reach more people and build customer relationships; there’s a limit to the number of customers you can reach. Let your customers … Continue reading Skyrocket Your Sales Using Effective Customer Relationships

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Building Strong Customer Relationships

April 19, 2022

  The saying that “Business is Human” is true because businesses deal with humans and your customers who are also humans are a major part of your business. Hence, the need to build and sustain a strong relationship with them. Read more about Business Customer relationship is about managing interactions with previous, present, and potential … Continue reading Building Strong Customer Relationships

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Business Growth Tips: Practice Active Listening

April 19, 2022

The strength of your relationship with your customers and coworkers is partly determined by the nature of your communication with them. Listening forms an important half of the communication process; if you’re not listening to what customers are saying, you may fail to respond as they would like. If this becomes a pattern, your relationship … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: Practice Active Listening

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