Archives Tag: Bookstore

Website Review

Websites We Love: Booklify

April 19, 2022

Booklify was founded by Nataniel Okwoli to resuscitate the reading culture in Nigeria, and create an online community of readers, accessing different categories of books and exchanging ideas. Nathaniel believes the reading culture in Nigeria is still very much alive but needs technological intervention to soar,  and that is where comes in. The Beauty … Continue reading Websites We Love: Booklify

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There Was a Country By Chinua Achebe Now Available in Glendora Bookstores Nationwide!

April 19, 2022

New Book by Chinua Achebe ,”There was a Country”, that we reported its publication last week, will be available from 2:00PM today nationwide and online by Glendora Books. The Book is Achebe’s personal history of Biafra and a memoir that has stirred a lot of controversy between the Yoruba community and the author himself. The … Continue reading There Was a Country By Chinua Achebe Now Available in Glendora Bookstores Nationwide!

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