Archives Tag: biofuel


The Water Hyacinth Bio Gel Fuel- An Alternative to Traditional Cooking Fuels

April 19, 2022

A large proportion of the world’s population- including most of the developing world –generate the energy they need for cooking from solid fuels. This is despite the fact that most of these fuels are known to pose a real threat to human health. The World Health Organization estimates that over 4 million people die prematurely … Continue reading The Water Hyacinth Bio Gel Fuel- An Alternative to Traditional Cooking Fuels

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Bionas’ $2.5 Billion Investment Could Bring Nigeria’s Bio-Fuel Industry to Life  

April 19, 2022

Today, the streets of Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Kano are traversed by vehicles that guzzle fossil fuels and belch greenhouse gases. Nigeria doesn’t emit as much environmentally unfriendly gas as the world’s biggest polluters, but its growing population, with its urbanizing tendencies and adherence to the western industrialization model, could make it one in … Continue reading Bionas’ $2.5 Billion Investment Could Bring Nigeria’s Bio-Fuel Industry to Life  

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April 19, 2022

Renewable energy or Alternative Energy, generally a form or forms of energy that are not based on fossil fuels but are either renewable or sustainable without depleting a finite resource. Examples of alternative energy are Biofuel; Geothermal Energy; Solar Energy; Tidal Energy; and Wind Energy.

By kobe

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