Archives Tag: 48 Hour Film Challenge


The 48 Hour Film Project: Here’s A Reminder- It’s Only Days Away!

April 19, 2022

If you’re a filmmaker and you desire to show the world how great your film production skills are, then you have a great stage to do so- and it’s only days away! The 48 Hour Film Project gives you the chance to join a global filmmaking contest; and if you’re in Lagos, you can participate. … Continue reading The 48 Hour Film Project: Here’s A Reminder- It’s Only Days Away!

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Enter For the Lagos 48 Hour Film Challenge

April 19, 2022

Are you a filmmaker who wants to get a greater audience for the work you do? You have the chance to get your skills on display at the biggest stage, beginning with a film challenge here in Lagos. There are prizes on offer; you’ll also get an opportunity to go up against films from around … Continue reading Enter For the Lagos 48 Hour Film Challenge

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Awards Events Movies

Announcing the Lagos 48 Hour Film Project 2

April 19, 2022

Nigerians who aspire to make a career in filmmaking have a unique opportunity to participate in a global short film competition. This competition will provide film enthusiasts around the world the chance to network with other individuals and organizations in the industry. With a lucky break, a winning participant can have their work screened at … Continue reading Announcing the Lagos 48 Hour Film Project 2

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Media News

Countdown Begins: Register for the 48 Hour Film Challenge Today!

April 19, 2022

Are you a filmmaker in Nigeria? Can you make an amazing film in just 48 hours? Get ready for an amazing challenge! The weekend? 20 – 22 November, 2015 The challenge? To make a film in only 48 hours! Filmmakers from all over Lagos, Nigeria will compete to see who can make the best short … Continue reading Countdown Begins: Register for the 48 Hour Film Challenge Today!

By ejura

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O’ Media Productions Launches $10,000 Film Competition For Nigerian Filmmakers!

April 19, 2022

For the non-established filmmaker getting recognition, sponsorship and screening is usually a daunting and expensive prospect, more so in a developing country like Nigeria.   The 48-hour Naija Film Challenge launching this October ( aims to provide a platform for talented new and non-established Nigerian filmmakers to showcase their skills. The company behind the 48NFC is … Continue reading O’ Media Productions Launches $10,000 Film Competition For Nigerian Filmmakers!

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