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Not All That Litters Is Trash

Do you know each person in urban areas produce about a kilogram of waste daily? That statistic includes you! Household wastes constitute a major source of disease when handled improperly and if we continue like this; our children will have little or no hope for a healthy life. If there is anytime when waste management should be looked into, it is now. Effective solid waste management can be handled from three perspectives commonly referred to as the 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reducing This involves avoidance of waste generation as much as possible and can it be achieved through some of these tips: Reusing This involves figuring out ways in which certain materials that no longer serve their primary purpose of purchase can be put to other uses and not just thrown away. Some of these materials and how they can be reused are listed below: Recycling Many people have a difficult perception of what it takes to recycle. Some even think it is almost next to impossible to recycle at home or within your immediate environment. But the following tips should not only change that perception but help you go about the task of recycling some of your household waste: These tips could go on and on but waste can only be managed effectively when you learn to give up the ‘undesired’. Throw away what needs to be thrown away, reuse what can be reused and recycle what you can in order to create a healthier and clutter free environment for you and your loved ones.    
About the Author Eru Kobe Godwin is a poet, designer, and a writer at   He is also the CEO at Cypress Concepts: corporate and casual shirt designers and stylists.
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