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Motivational Monday : Start Your Day With Some Exercise

Getting out of bed on a Monday morning always seems to be the hardest. You wish the weekend didn’t have to come to an end. The mere thought of facing the hustle and bustle of the week is enough to tempt you to call in sick at work. Before you feign an illness to avoid work, how about making this simple change to the beginning of your day and see how you feel?- Exercise as soon as you wake up. Literally, as soon as as you open your eyes, before getting up from bed. Take a few minutes to engage in some mental and physical exercises that will help you become alert and give you energy. Exercises to stretch your neck, shoulders, legs and lower body can be done while sitting or lying down. Spend at least one minute on each exercise before moving on to the next one. Once you are done with exercising, you can get up and start your usual preparation for the day. As with any exercise regime, being consistent is important to achieve the desired result. Once you get used to start your day with exercising, you will no longer wish the weekend should never end.   About the author: Amina Salau is a writer and editor running The Illuminated Pen. You can find her online at  and on Twitter (@_Aminah).    
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