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The Little Things That Matter the Most

An architect is always concerned about little lines, those tiny dots that move from one place to another. If one line should go missing or placed in the wrong direction, he erases his drawing or corrects the shape. This shows that a little line can make or mar a good drawing. So also in life, those little details that get lost in our memories can make or mar our existence. It can turn a victim to a victor, an assailant to an innocent. The aspect of our lives we are sure does not matter can be draining holes of opportunities. Small stuff matters a lot even without our knowing. One of such thing may be your smile. While working on your attitude, develop and sharpen your smile. Focus on your smile rather than on your worries.  Other little things that you can do to make your day even better are: In conclusion, Seth Godin says:
“If you can’t describe your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position”.
Simply put, make your life simple because little stuff at the end of the day is all that matters, don’t complicate your life.
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